Saturday, November 10, 2012

Starting the Climb

A week ago today, I started at the bottom of a huge mountain and have gradually started my climb. It had been months since I worked out and I had been at couch potato status for too long. I am excited for this new challenge as I drive to meet Joe and MOJO's Gym. That excitement soon wore off! Joe whipped me into shape before and, for some odd reason, he is used to how strong I was back then. The first thing he has me try to do is flip over a 175 pound truck tire. It wasn't happening. Of course, he found something else for me to do that I could handle. It still sucked. I was also used to my body working hard for me. But, it had been asleep for too long. I got dizzy at some points in the workout and my body gave up on me at others. But, Joe kept me going and I made it (barely) through the work out. My legs felt like jello when I left. At one point, Joe said to me "You know you are secretly going to enjoy how sore you are going to be tomorrow". He was right. I could barely move my legs that evening much less the next day! But, my body was finally awake. I knew it was because I could feel the pain in every inch of of every muscle every time I moved. But, this was the most I have felt out of my body in a long time. The pain felt good.

Just two days later, I had my next session with Joe. I couldn't believe that he was going to make me work out despite the fact that I could hardly walk. But, he did. First, a jog around the building. The pain shot up my leg like an electric shock during the first two strides. But then, it subsided. Just a little push and I was rolling. We focused more on upper body today which was nice because it made me forget about the pain in my legs as it was replaced with the pain in my arms.

Although I was sore all week, I have noticed several positive outcomes of the climb so far. The biggest one - happiness. I have noticed that I am in a better mood. I am not a morning person, but I am ready to take on the day at 7 am now and this happy feeling continues throughout the day. Even when I come home in the evening after a hard work out, I am feeling peppy enough to take the dog on a long walk and do the dishes. During the couch potato days, the hardest work out I got was walking up the two steps to get to the deck of my house and when I got inside, all I would do is sit in front of the TV until it was time for bed.

Please understand that I am just as self conscious as any other twenty-something female in this world, but a good way to stick to a goal is to make it public. The only reason why I feel confident enough to post this "before" picture now is because I am positive of what my results are going to be very soon. When Joe took my measurements last week, I was appalled to see the numbers. For now, I will share just the pictures. Once I have made some progress, I will give you the exact numbers. 

Again, this is the biggest I have ever been...

Losing Control

I have been here before. My clothes are fitting tighter. Heck, there are even some clothes in my closet that I am completely ignoring. I am out of shape and unhealthy. The company I work for recently had a wellness fair where I did a "step test" (a step test has you literally stepping for a minute or so and your heart rate is taken before and after to judge your fitness level) and I was embarrassed at how horrible the results were. They also made me step on a scale where I realized that I am the biggest I have ever been in my 28 years on this earth. This overweight feeling does not only effect my wardrobe and my self image, but it makes me lazy - lazier than I have already become over the past few months.

How did I get here? A year ago at this time, I was in the BEST shape that I had ever been in. I originally started working out with my trainer, Joe Conti, almost two years ago. His skills and my dedication brought me to a place where I could wear ANYTHING in my closet and looked for opportunities to show off my strength and control over my body. I had total control - of what I ate, when I worked out and how I felt. Unfortunately, life happened and I lost control. I happens to all of us. I went through a tough break up, had some financial issues, got into a car wreck and lost my father all on one year.  There are no good excuses for losing control, but it happens. I can spend all the time I want making myself feel bad about it, but why focus all of my energy there when I can focus on fixing it?

It has been over three months since I have worked out and it shows. But, I am ready to make a change. Luckily, I still know Joe and now he has his own training gym. Please join me on my journey to take control of my life back through living a better lifestyle; eating good and getting fit! In this blog, I will post tips and tricks that work for me  (any maybe will  for you too) as well as my thoughts, struggles and successes on my path to get back to who I know I can be - healthy and happy!